FAQ’s – Image Interaction Application

Can I embed an image map into a slider or a popup?

It mostly depends on the plugins (or Builder’s elements) that you decided to use for organizing the sliders (popups). It will be possible if these plugins allow using shortcodes for adding additional content to these sliders.

Is it possible be set a specific link to a shape/icon and another page to be loaded on clicking them?

Yes, there is a specific option for that in Image Map Pro. When you drew the shape (inserted the icon/Spot) you need to select it -> go to the right menu -> go to the section Actions. From the drop-down menu there, you need to choose ‘Follow Link’.

Is it possible to add a bullet list, columns, or other types of text formats/decorations in the content of the Tooltip?

Yes, you can organize the text content in the Tooltips within the possibilities of HTML code. Image Map Pro allows using HTML code directly in the element Paragraph of the Tooltips.

Is there an option for an image map to be visualized on fullscreen on page load?

There is such an option. You can find it by clicking the button Settings located on the left in the editor -> going to the section Fullscreen -> ticking the option ‘Start in Fullscreen’.

Is there an option for setting the same styles at once and assigning only one Tooltip to multiple shapes/objects?

There is such an option for grouping multiple objects/shapes. This option allows you to set same styles and options for multiple objects at once. Even, optionally, you can set only 1 Tooltip to be visualized for this Group of multiple objects (the entire group will be present as a Single object). The objects can be grouped using the button Group, located on the left (over the list of existing objects).

How can I insert the map templates included in the plugin?

You can do it by clicking the button New (located on the left) -> in the visualized pop-up click the button Country -> from the drop-down list choose a specific country.

Can I add a glowing effect for the objects in the image map?

Yes, you can do it by clicking the button Settings located on the left -> go to the section Objects -> for the option Pageload Animation select Glow.

Can I translate an image map to a second language by using WPML plugins?

Unfortunately, such translation is not possible automatically using a WPML plugin. It can be done only manually from the editor. – First, you need to duplicate the existing image map, then edit the text into the second language. (You can duplicate an entire image map by using the buttons Export and Import located on the left in the editor).

Can I add an audio sound that is played on clicking?

Yes, you can do it by using JS scrip (or you can add another action by applying JS script) which be executed on click. To be able for you to add this script correlated to a specific shape/icon, go to the right menu in the editor -> go to the section Actions. From the drop-down menu there, you need to choose ‘Run Script’.

How to set the background of my image map project?

You can do it by selecting a specific Artboard on the left in the editor -> look at the right menu -> choose between solid Color or Image.

Can I add an X button intended for closing the Tooltip?

You can’t do it manually. But, if you choose the Tooltip to be visualized on Fullscreen (it is recommended by us the Tooltips be set to be visualized on fullscreen at least for mobile devices), such X button will be added automatically.You can manage the Fullscreen options by clicking the button Settings located on the left -> go to the section Tooltips -> regarding the option “Show Fullscreen Tooltips” choose between None, Mobile Only, or Always.

Can I copy the style settings from one shape/object to another? Can I clone existing shapes (with their styles, settings, and content)?

Yes, you can do all of that very easily only through a few clicks.

Can I edit the default settings for each newly drawn single shape/object?

Yes, you can do it easily by clicking the button Settings located on the left -> go to the last section Defaults -> click on the button Edit Object Defaults.

Is this a subscription service or one-time purchase?

It’s a one-time purchase. You only pay once and you can use the plugin for a single project forever. To use the product in multiple projects, you will need a license for each one. Furthermore, all new updates will be available for you in the future.

What is the difference between a Regular License and an Extended License?

With a Regular License, you can use the product in a single project for yourself or for one client. You can build an unlimited number of interactive images in a project. A “project” is defined as a single website, application, or installation. If an end user must pay to use your project, you have to use an Extended License. 

For more info: plans@storeyfy.com

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